The Expanding Universe of Ashley Garcia
The Expanding Universe of Ashley Garcia (2020)

The Expanding Universe of Ashley Garcia

(77 amavoti)

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I was surprised to see such a good show so underrated. Very easy flow on the plots and enjoyable.

Ashley Garcia is a great show for that pre-teen early teenage kids. My husband and I enjoy it as well.

Not the worst, but a lot of stereotypes that just really bug me. And the contrast either the characters are like Ashley ( a genious) or Tad (idiot).

The show is very flat with very rare but very flat jokes. I am sure the actors themselves wouldn't have laughed when they heard heard the script gor the first time.

The characters are so fun and cute. Every single episode makes me laugh.

This show is really underrated. It's casual and easy to listen to.

I love that show. I watched the whole series in the evening on Friday 20 February.

Is netflix adding reviews to their own show? Why does show have 10 star ratings???

I love this show, it's a binge worthy show! I love how it brings a lovely atmosphere and I feel like I can watch and just simply enjoy!
